Should I get back together with my ex? please help 10 points??!?
(26 August 2016)
I dont know what to do, if you were i my position would you forgive him and get back together?
(26 August 2016)
I want to get back together with him but I just dont want to feel stupid if everything remains exactly the same.
(26 August 2016)
He told me he realizes he messed up and regrets it and says he still wants to be with me and he will change.
(26 August 2016)
So I told him I needed a break and the next day I dumped him.
(26 August 2016)
He wasn't busy because he recently quit his job but it seemed he would rather be spending all of his time with his friends which really hurt me.
(26 August 2016)
Hes going to school 2 hours away, and during one of his last weeks here he didnt contact me to see me once and barely texted me so that was kind of my breaking point.
(26 August 2016)
I told him a few weeks ago that I felt like he didnt care about me, and that he made no effort with me etc and he changed nothing.
(26 August 2016)
He never complimented me, didnt text me every day would only call when he had nothing better to be doing.
(26 August 2016)
He didnt do anything horrible but he just didnt make me feel special in any way.
(26 August 2016)
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