Friday 26 August 2016

I am Back !!

So surgery went well and I am doing well. Just having hard time learning to eat again, but I am told it will get better. Been going to the gym. Hoping to start swimming again soon. Hoping to get bac_ Mammie:We both were sort of falling out of relationships, and he ended his back in June [...]

How should i move forward with this?
(25 August 2016)

But I don't think shes ready for me to ask her out.
(25 August 2016)

Shes been giving signs for about 4-5 months now.
(25 August 2016)

I work with this girl and i pretty sure she likes me.
(25 August 2016)

It's weird to think about a girl I like, liking me back?
(25 August 2016)

I've had countless one way affairs, and although girls have liked me, their always girls I'm never interested in.
(25 August 2016)

Why am I so upset about my partner being asexual?
(25 August 2016)

I don't think that it is because I want to have sex with them (although it could be) I think it is something deeper.
(25 August 2016)

I have been going out with my partner for over a year now and I do not want to have sex with them (for fear of me attempting it ruining our relationship) but every time I think about it it makes me really really upset.
(25 August 2016)

Also, would it be completely insane to plan a meet-up, even if we don't start a LDR?
(25 August 2016)

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