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I didn't have a bad life many have had worse.
(23 August 2016)
Around 2 years ago my father passed away from the damage his drinking has done to his body.
(23 August 2016)
I'm a 15 year old girl, confused about my feelings and if I should even feel this way.
(23 August 2016)
Girls, I need some relationship advice?
(23 August 2016)
I dream of holding her in my arms at night just to tell her she's safe & I won't let anyone hurt her.
(23 August 2016)
She called me smart handsome sweet cute sexy amazing she's my everything.
(23 August 2016)
We're not dating because she is with somebody else but FML she makes me happy.
(23 August 2016)
I know she cares I don't want to push her away.
(23 August 2016)
And than maybe a month ago she said tell me what it is that I can help you with.
(23 August 2016)
She wanted to know how I was doing because we were telling eachother how amazing we think each of us are & so she asked how I was doing & i was upfront about my life.
(23 August 2016)
Will these people tell our baby it is not mine, too?
(29 August 2016)
Even our last apartment we rented is my husbands and not mine too.
(29 August 2016)
He is always label things as my husbands property and not mine.
(29 August 2016)
He asked if people are asking what we are doing.
(29 August 2016)
The housemate doesn't like immigrants and is jealous we lease a new car.
(29 August 2016)
One housemate is always sighing when I'm in the room or making references to fish or the weather, I get it . I hear it, I think he is lazy and has dehumanizing political beliefs.
(29 August 2016)
They say they love us both and if I want or need to take a shower I can.
(29 August 2016)
I ask them and so does my husband.
(29 August 2016)
I think one of our housemates wants us out.
(29 August 2016)
Me and my husband are staying with our friends (family of three adults) I'm nearly five months pregnant and don't have a job now.
(29 August 2016)
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