Saturday 27 August 2016

Sex addiction

I really enjoy this site. I enjoy the videos the ladies send in. I would be to embarressed to ever do a video. I have meet only three ladies on this site had sex with one. Very nice time and very fun_ Precious:She doesn’t know what she’s so if she had to let one of our [...]

I thinking about ending this now, before it only gets worse.
(27 August 2016)

I am very independent chick, and enjoy my job and space.
(27 August 2016)

He keeps telling me I need to get a new job.
(27 August 2016)

We have gotten into 3 arguments in the last week that were not needed.
(27 August 2016)

Although recently he has been non stop complaining about my schedule at my job, being super needy.
(27 August 2016)

We are both 27. We both have opposite schedules for work.
(27 August 2016)

I started dating my boyfriend 3 months ago.
(27 August 2016)

Also turns out he was threatening to get rid of my son's dog as well before I entered the room.
(27 August 2016)

My family didn't hear any of it but assumed that I caused it even after I explained it to my mom.
(27 August 2016)

I was completely polite to him until he started screaming at me.
(27 August 2016)

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