Thursday 29 September 2016

A posted photos of himself on his Instagram Page. Mr

B re-posted those photos on Naver’s Band without Mr. C company also posted the photos on Facebook without Mr. A’s photos were reposted from Mr. B and Company C. The Seoul attorneys for Mr. B and Company C argued that the terms of Instagram allowed the re-posting of the pictures._ Elizebeth:I think I’m holding her [...]

I'm scared and very insecure about my looks.
(29 September 2016)

I'm in a long distance relationship but I haven't shown my face to my lover yet.
(29 September 2016)

Is it normal to feel this way? (quick read) Advice please... I need it desperately?
(29 September 2016)

I can't fall for these guys lies.
(29 September 2016)

I won't ever give my all to someone I can't.
(29 September 2016)

I can't let myself ever feel this pain again.
(29 September 2016)

I know I distance myself but I have to.
(29 September 2016)

We hang out a lot but he says I'm pushing him away.
(29 September 2016)

He is amazing and eases my pain.
(29 September 2016)

It's been a few weeks and I know I deserve better and this guy I've known for a while has showed interest in me.
(29 September 2016)

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