Sunday, 18 September 2016

And here it is with 50 different metal graphic styles and some useful bonus

So, I’ve been experimenting on a complete set of metal effect that can give you the perfect metal effect with just a few clicks. Comes with gold, rosegold, copper, bronze, brass, steel, iron and some really cool styles. Works with both texts and objects. So, I’ve been experimenting on a complete set of metal effect … Continue reading And here it is with 50 different metal graphic styles and some useful bonus

What should I do move out?
(17 September 2016)

How to surprise my girlfriend for our 2 week anniversary?
(17 September 2016)

Why do people text you when they want but when you text them they dont respond?
(17 September 2016)

He text me after he told me 2 months ago he just wanted to be friends.
(17 September 2016)

Is 5'3 and a half good height for 14?
(17 September 2016)

My boyfriend dumped me.. what should i do?
(17 September 2016)

I'm so sad and scared and i don't know what to do.
(17 September 2016)

I love him very much and i cried to the point where i couldn't breathe.
(17 September 2016)

I'm scared that even though he focuses on school, that he might find someone else that prettier, smarter, funnier, better, and just forget about me.
(17 September 2016)

He told me that he wanted college as his top priority, he thought that things would've complicated even further also leading to more arguments than we already do, and that he couldn't handle the stresses of both a relationship and college.
(17 September 2016)

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