Thursday 15 September 2016

Betapa mulusnya jalanan di Sumatera Barat yang sempat membuatku kagum

Tak terasa jam 3 sore kami sudah sampai di Desa Wisata Kubu Gadang, Padangpanjang. Untungnya Mbak Nina, Mas Him, Emen, Pak Ain dan Pak Budi memakai celana panjang sehingga mereka tidak perlu memakai kain. Akupun salut dengan penduduk lokal Desa Wisata Kubu Gadang masih berpegang teguh dan menjunjung tinggi kearifan lokal._ Aline:There’s a lot of pregnant [...]

Help? Off and on cramps and having to urinate a lot?
(15 September 2016)

Then on the 7th I started to notice I was having to pee alot also that's when the cramps started coming more often.
(15 September 2016)

Like I hit my period but I didn't, this only lasted two days.
(15 September 2016)

The 2nd I had lots of brown stuff coming out of my vagina.
(15 September 2016)

Had sex 3 times like 3 days before my fertile time.
(15 September 2016)

I have not gotten my period yet.
(15 September 2016)

I had my last period on the 17th of August.
(15 September 2016)

So this all started for me around the 7th of this month.
(15 September 2016)

I have the feeling my girlfriend is not right for me but I when I think of breaking with her I really miss her?
(15 September 2016)

WHEN I THINK THAT I CAN BREAK UP WITH HER, I JUST ALMOST START CRYING... In the last months when i started asking this question every girl i see, i got the feeling that i want to hang out with her.
(15 September 2016)

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