I asked if she was waiting until marriage, and she looked me in the eyes and said no... Her justification was that she s terrified in the off chance that she gets pregnant and threatens both of our futures.
(5 September 2016)
Anyways, long story short, she s comfortable with everything BUT sex.
(5 September 2016)
But she s been completely comfortable with everything up to third base, and I never let her down whenever we do get intimate.
(5 September 2016)
I ve brought up the subject a couple times now, and she s been pretty evasive about it which I completely understand because she has high morals and goes to church every Sunday etc etc.
(5 September 2016)
I ve had several chances to lose it, but I always wanted to wait for the right girl, which I think is her.
(5 September 2016)
We re both 19, and both virgins.
(5 September 2016)
Crazy beautiful, 4.0 GPA in hs, amazing family, perfect personality, everything I could ve ever asked for, and my first real love.
(5 September 2016)
So I ll really try to not go into too much detail to spare you guys but I just wanna brief everyone: so I ve been dating the most beautiful girl in the world for the last 14 months.
(5 September 2016)
Are freeze dried fruits just as nutritious as fresh fruits?
(5 September 2016)
Have any mom's used them or are currently using them?
(5 September 2016)
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