The second story begins with an immodest head-of-the-family, Anil, who is on life support. Seeking some relief, his family decides to shop for a TV, that Anil had illegal. Then suddenly, comes the news that Anil is healthier and will be home presently. Can they need to let Purshottam go?_ Romelia:I got an erection and I [...]
Pregnant and I think i have a sinus infection?
(15 September 2016)
Can I even take any medicine for it?
(15 September 2016)
I have pain on the left side of my forehead, back of head, and feel a little dizzy.
(15 September 2016)
Why was he really nice and flirty yesterday, and then mean today?
(15 September 2016)
Why would a baby mama go through a man's things?
(15 September 2016)
I have my suspicions but why would she go through his stuff?
(15 September 2016)
He says they're not together or sleeping with each other and that tapping his son's mom is the last thing on his mind.
(15 September 2016)
He tells me that she's mean, untrustworthy, doesn't want to be around much, and that she sleeps on one side of the house and he on the other.
(15 September 2016)
He swears they're not sleeping together.
(15 September 2016)
A guy I've been dating for almost two years told me that his son's mom goes through his stuff when he goes to visit his son (3 hours away ). She goes through things such as his overnight bags, she tries to unlock his computer, phone, and so forth.
(15 September 2016)
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