Tuesday 20 September 2016

Found this on the front of the BCF catalog this week

Thankfully, outdoorsy people are generally quite easy to buy for. Or you could probably use it as a bowl and eat your meals from it too. Coming in at $99, this lantern weighs surprisingly little, puts out 400 lumens and features a USB port to charge your shit._ Angla:Will his unclean fingers give me an … Continue reading "Found this on the front of the BCF catalog this week"

If he breaks up with her, he ll lose his job, at least I think so.
(19 September 2016)

He also has an ex girlfriend that treats him awful, then wants him back.
(19 September 2016)

He has a mean mom and a little sister that he hates.
(19 September 2016)

He s a male model who is super popular and doesn t want to marry her that much.
(19 September 2016)

She has a fiance (since she was young) and now they re getting married.
(19 September 2016)

It s about a girl who was raised by her grandparents in a traditional and old fashined way.
(19 September 2016)

How do i get my mom to let me go to concerts again?
(19 September 2016)

My dad even freaked out when i wanted a The Walking Dead necklace saying it was punky.
(19 September 2016)

She forbid me from going to concerts (shes christian, im not) because she is blaming it on my music.
(19 September 2016)

A while ago, my mom went through my phone and found out that me and my friends swear.
(19 September 2016)

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