Thursday 1 September 2016

Fun times in Brazil (Sao Paulo - Part Two)

Now, where did I leave off???Oh, right…the brothel. Hehehe.We take a taxi to said brothel. It’s not one the Boss has been to before…it was recommended by the taxi driver. And it’s early. S_ Filomena:Does this sound creepy to you?(25 August 2016) Filomena:Sometimes she makes the little girl and her friends cookies and talks about how she’s [...]

About 15 minutes later, his ex from about 25 years ago texted him because she heard about his dad.
(31 August 2016)

I waited so long to hear this from him and I was the happiest girl alive.
(31 August 2016)

Long story short, he got really emotional and told me that he would not have survived without me these past seven months and then told me that he loves me.
(31 August 2016)

He is an only child and he is the primary caregiver for his dad, who has dementia while working on his MAFP.
(31 August 2016)

I ve been dating this guy for seven months (we dated 10 years ago and hadn t spoken in seven years before dating again). Two weeks ago we went to dinner and drinks.
(31 August 2016)

I'm nervous to change in the locker room?
(31 August 2016)

I'm super nervous what should I do?
(31 August 2016)

Additionally, there's this guy who jokingly slaps my butt and asks me questions like how long my dick is and he'll be in my gym class.
(31 August 2016)

I'm a gay 14 year old and I'm nervous that I'll get boners in the locker room from seeing the other guys.
(31 August 2016)

Can you give my single friend advice about a guy? Is he playing her?
(31 August 2016)

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