Friday 16 September 2016

how it going ladies

Saint John’s, Newfoundland, Canada // Altha:He hid it well, and I had no idea how horrible he could be when drinking.(7 September 2016) Altha:He was a closet alcoholic before we got married.(7 September 2016) Altha:That won’t happen with him around. whyskyhigh, wtf are you talking about?(7 September 2016) Altha:I want so much to go back to [...]

And I also don't know if it is weird if I just randomly went up to and talk to her.
(16 September 2016)

I would like to go and talk to her but I don't know what to say.
(16 September 2016)

We don't have any classes this term but I see her in the halls a few times a day.
(16 September 2016)

She doesn't really talk to anyone.
(16 September 2016)

I really wished I did but I didn't.
(16 September 2016)

There is this girl at my high school and we had the same class last year but I never went and talk to her.
(16 September 2016)

What does this back pain sound like?
(15 September 2016)

It even curved around to my stomach for a 360 ache.
(15 September 2016)

The first time this happened I was in a car for 2 hours; this time, I am not doing anything out of the ordinary and it seems twice as worse.
(15 September 2016)

I have taken pain medicine and that did not help.
(15 September 2016)

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