I'm 19, I have irregular period. I had unprotected sex last week, can I be pregnant?
(10 September 2016)
Also I had sex last week with no protection.
(10 September 2016)
My last period was on July 30, 2016. & it's September and I haven't had a period since the.
(10 September 2016)
I'm 19 I have irregular periods.
(10 September 2016)
Although she might not intend anything to happen, she's using the excuse of volunteering to spend time with this guy who likes her (and perhaps keep her options open). Maybe I'm wrong - I'm not sure.
(10 September 2016)
My theory is that she's doing this because she is the type of girl who likes the attention, and this guy clearly likes her by inviting her to volunteer.
(10 September 2016)
Would they feel sad they are gone?
(10 September 2016)
What if one day in near future there are no more hot young women for nonWhite men to date?
(10 September 2016)
Pregnant by older man, what should I do?
(10 September 2016)
But apart of me, is enjoying the freedom of not having to take care of young children right now, as I've been a parent all my adult life, since the age of 18. And even if I wanted to keep it, the age difference concerns me.
(10 September 2016)
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