Sunday 18 September 2016

Is It Just Me????????

For some reason, when it gets cold outside, I get Horny! Ok I am always horny but MORE than usual. And freaky horny. Like I want to SEXperiment more or try new things when its cold. From past experie // Marquitta:I also have a note from my OB but they still don’t want to do it.(10 [...]

Just hurt because I wanna be with the person that makes me happy... What should I do?
(18 September 2016)

I understand about he's school and I'm not gonna make him but with me.
(18 September 2016)

He makes me happy, I really do like and care for him.
(18 September 2016)

Idk why but I just don't want to be with anyone else.
(18 September 2016)

He's gonna be done with school in 2years he says I can talk to other people and stuff but I don't want to.
(18 September 2016)

I really do like him and I don't rush relationship.
(18 September 2016)

He says he likes me an also he doesn't want to hurt me because of my past.
(18 September 2016)

He's so nice and sweet he knows how to put a smile on my face like no other . We have things in common, we hung out, went on a few dates.. Then he tells me he doesn't want a relationship because he wants to put all his focus in school.
(18 September 2016)

She said we can still be friends?
(18 September 2016)

We have gotten into alot of arguments because I get jealous, We fight sometimes because I want a relationship with her. ive made her mad alot.
(18 September 2016)

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