Thursday 1 September 2016

Moving Day

The movers will be here in a few hours. I just have a few last minute things to do. And as an update, the handyman showed up yesterday morning. So the toilet is not longer in my tub and the closet_ Erline:WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT A BOYFRIEND OF YOURS THAT IS STILL LIVING WITH HIS [...]

To start from the beginning, I received my first Depo shot on July 29th.
(31 August 2016)

I been dating this girl for about 2 months now?
(31 August 2016)

I m confused why she would want to start a life with me then I come across this text.
(31 August 2016)

Should I be considered about that.
(31 August 2016)

In a text she did say she miss him.
(31 August 2016)

She broke up with the ex back in may.
(31 August 2016)

She don t act different from when we started dating.
(31 August 2016)

No I find out that she talks to her ex boyfriend which they were together for 5yrs.
(31 August 2016)

My company bought her company out.
(31 August 2016)

Which was just started last week.
(31 August 2016)

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