Friday, 30 September 2016

MWM seeking MF pic included

Hi As ad states, married, looking for same… not in a healthy marriage.. but kids ya know… Anyway, ideally someone in a similar situation… or at very least ok with mine… meaning would have to be discreet… aside from a happy hour.. would have to be mostly private fun…. as you can tell by my [...]

We dated for not quite a year and we had a pretty bad breakup.
(30 September 2016)

So we were each other's first relationship and everything.
(30 September 2016)

She said she heard that for the next movie they're gonna have both the guys and girls in it she said she's not gonna watch it it won't be the same without him.
(30 September 2016)

She doesn't understand why he had to die.
(30 September 2016)

She said she had a dream where she was in the movie she was with the two guys from the movie she said his spirit appeared to her and hugged her.
(30 September 2016)

She doesn't know the actor very well she just likes the character.
(30 September 2016)

She was heartbroken when she found out he was dead.
(30 September 2016)

She feels bad because she misses him so much but she never even met him.
(30 September 2016)

He's her favorite which is why she cries every time we watch it.
(30 September 2016)

She's upset because she said the guy that played Egon died.
(30 September 2016)

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