Friday 16 September 2016

Pick labor versus pack labor is the balance to measure when Batch Picking

When planning a Batch Pick process, consideration must be given to pack station space and configuration. Similar to Wave Picking, the primary benefit of batch picking is reduced travel time associated per order. This requires an effective replenishment strategy if you are using a forward pick/reserve storage layout._ Rosamond:I could really use some advice, or … Continue reading Pick labor versus pack labor is the balance to measure when Batch Picking

I told them they needed to remove everything from the basement in order to get ride of the humidity.
(17 September 2016)

One day they found out our house has mold in the basement.
(17 September 2016)

He complains about absolutely everything me and my sister do and we normally do nothing just sit in our room.
(17 September 2016)

He's stood outside my door waiting for me to come out so he could make sure my windows were locked.
(17 September 2016)

He also has some type of ODC he goes into everyone's room no matter what's happening even if we're not leaving the house to make sure all the windows are locked.
(17 September 2016)

Even though after I was finished baking I cleaned up.
(17 September 2016)

I know that doesn't make total sense but the other day I was making a cake and baking is messy and I was still in the process of literally stirring the batter but for some reason he called her to tell her I was making a mess.
(17 September 2016)

If me or my sister make any tiny mess and don't clean up the second it's made he doesn't yell at us or tell us anything no he calls her and tell her so even though I clean it up long before I still get yelled at by my idiot mom.
(17 September 2016)

He acts like nothing's his responsibility.
(17 September 2016)

For starters they already fight she's kicked him out for the day multiple times.
(17 September 2016)

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