Saturday, 24 September 2016

Raising taxes and scaling back pension benefits are painful and difficult measures

As governments are already cash-strapped, these questions are now highly politicised. Joshua Rauh, a finance professor at Stanford University, has led the call for public pensions to use different discount rates. Chicago is another area that is grappling with particularly severe pension woes._ Nola:My bf said he doesnt want to call me he wants to see [...]

And should I just let him be and see what happens?
(23 September 2016)

My question is do u think he lost interest in me?
(23 September 2016)

I m remaining calm but this overthinking is killing me.
(23 September 2016)

He did respond so he isn t ignoring me but I do feel a shift in this relationship.
(23 September 2016)

Gave it a few days and texted him.
(23 September 2016)

Now I feel he has backed off a bit.
(23 September 2016)

So now I m catching feelings and before he was really intense.
(23 September 2016)

I just don t want to get hurt again.
(23 September 2016)

I was a little withdrawn at the time because of previous bad situations with guys.
(23 September 2016)

Went on a few dates with a guy and yes I did stay at his place once.
(23 September 2016)

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