Friday 16 September 2016

Stuff like this is why most of us are burnt out on flankers

In fact, I still wear that perfume frequently. One time at a duty-free shop, I sniffed Candy Florale and was majorly disappointed. I decided to revisit since that was during an abusive international flight and in all fairness, I was majorly grumpy. Anything that I would have tried at that moment, I would have hated._ Loni:Our [...]

So my dad passed away from cancer and now my mom doesn't have much time either they are the only relatives I have here in the US but my uncles and aunts are in India.
(16 September 2016)

My mother brings out the worst in me?
(16 September 2016)

I never swear but when she visits I get mad.
(16 September 2016)

I only see her once a year, but when she visits the small things that she does makes me so mad.
(16 September 2016)

Although it has been many years and my father is dead, my mother has changed and is a very kind woman, I also have forgiven her and hold nothing to her account.
(16 September 2016)

When I was growing up I was abused by my Parents emotionally and physically, I was always rejected and they told they hated me.
(16 September 2016)

I know this isn't much help but does it seem like he has a crush on me?
(16 September 2016)

He also asked me for my phone number too.
(16 September 2016)

He always tries to make me laugh or smile.
(16 September 2016)

Well sometimes he watches me for a while when I work, he watches me write or stuff like that, an when we talk his eyes lock with mine or they go down my face an he smiles A LOT at me.
(16 September 2016)

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