Saturday, 24 September 2016

The last project up in my rotation was Tis the Season by Blackbird Designs

I look forward to your cooler temperatures. You have cooler temperatures for us, right? I am stitching this on the called-for fabric with the Belle Soie silks. LOL We’ll see about that at the end of September. Nominally, I switched it out with Deruta biscornu, but I didn’t actually stitch on that either._ Eladia:Recently she … Continue reading The last project up in my rotation was Tis the Season by Blackbird Designs

Is this common a personality trait?
(23 September 2016)

I need to talk with lot of people or else I will get bored.
(23 September 2016)

My girlfriend and I watched a horror movie tonight, and she might wake up bc of a bad dream. What can I do to make her feel less scared?
(23 September 2016)

Is there anything I can do besides just hold her to make her less scared?
(23 September 2016)

She finally went to sleep, but I have a feeling she's going to wake up because of a bad dream.
(23 September 2016)

I turned off the movie, and just held her close to me.
(23 September 2016)

Tonight, my girlfriend agreed to watch Diaries of Chernoyble with me. (Rated R for horror) We cuddled during a lot of it, and she started shaking and crying because she was so scared of one of the scenes.
(23 September 2016)

Am i stoned or is it weird that my gf went to a dodger game with her aunt nd her daughter along my son and shes sleeping over because i work?
(23 September 2016)

How do I know if someone likes me or not?
(23 September 2016)

The email was an old photo of our grandfather who died in March and my travel info for Thanksgiving, No fight or anything at all, just strange I didnt hear back.
(23 September 2016)

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