Friday, 23 September 2016

The new approach uses two different kinds of additives

Varanasi, have found a way to drastically cut down on the amount of pesticide liquid that bounces off plants. When farmers spray their fields with pesticides or other treatments, only 2 percent of the spray sticks to the plants. But a team of MIT researchers aims to fix that._ Jene:How can i convince my parents … Continue reading The new approach uses two different kinds of additives

His wife won't let me have any of his things,because she wants nothing to do with his family.
(22 September 2016)

My dads mom was the only beneficiary on his will.
(22 September 2016)

Why are schools so oblivious when it comes to physical diseases?
(22 September 2016)

Emma run. (WHAT THE HECK I CANT) I always break down crying because they say this in front of everyone.
(22 September 2016)

I want to go to public school and see my friends but they keep embarasing me and I feel TRAPPED.
(22 September 2016)

They need to understand this is a problem.
(22 September 2016)

Then throughout the year they are telling me to run.
(22 September 2016)

My mom tells them I can't run and they are like okay.
(22 September 2016)

They are understandig with an obvious physical injury like broken leg.
(22 September 2016)

The schools are understanding with retarded people.
(22 September 2016)

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