Wednesday, 14 September 2016

The reality is this can happen at any point during an ETL workflow

However, there are a number of barriers stopping them from being able to successfully gain insights from their data. The challenge with this structure is finding the right workflow management system to coordinate the tasks in a data pipeline. As mentioned earlier, a data pipeline that works for 10,000 rows of data will not always work for 50 million rows.

Should i tell him the feelings i have for him or wait in time and see what happens?
(6 September 2016)

I have a friend that im really into, but i dont know if hes into me, what should i do?
(6 September 2016)

Bleeding a day after sex?
(6 September 2016)

It was red for a little bit but it was mainly brown after.
(6 September 2016)

My boyfriend and I had sex yesterday on the 5th and this morning I went to the bathroom with is a usually thing for me and I saw that I was bleeding.
(6 September 2016)

How to get rid of a very close friend?
(6 September 2016)

So I have a best friend we have been best friends for 2 years and last year it was a bit shaky and we had alot of fights but after that everything was fine.
(6 September 2016)

I have a dating question?
(6 September 2016)

I still love his twin but I have some feelings for him since I have a little crush on him.
(6 September 2016)

He never had a girlfriend because he told me that he is always waiting for me.
(6 September 2016)


Do you think my boyfriend doesn't like me?
(13 September 2016)

Do you think I should break up with him?
(13 September 2016)

He already made it clear that their is nothing going on between them however, he also said that he's not going to stop being friends with her.
(13 September 2016)

I'm white and my boyfriend is Dominican (his Bestfriend is Dominican too) and sometimes I feel like she's a bit too friendly with him... Not physically I feel like perhaps they have more of a connection together than I have with him.
(13 September 2016)

Considering that if you are a person, it's essential to have friends, why is it that some people have a hard time making friends?
(13 September 2016)

Jika ingin mengurus KITAS, CNI, STM, dll karena ingin menikah, apakah WNA harus datang dulu ke Indonesia atau bisa diwakilkan?
(13 September 2016)

Apakah calon suami saya harus datang dulu baru bisa mengurus surat-surat atau bisa diwakilkan?
(13 September 2016)

Saya Insha Allah akan menikah dengan WNA dan sedang mengurus surat-surat yang diperlukan.
(13 September 2016)

Last Friday, this girl that I secretly like walked up to me and untied one of shoes.
(13 September 2016)

Could I be pregnant even after my period?
(13 September 2016)

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