Thursday 15 September 2016

Track were mn and women on your own website are going

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Last night at 1 am she sent me a text asking if he ever talks about her.
(15 September 2016)

One of my best friends and her boyfriend broke up a month ago, but I still talk to him because he s my friend too.
(15 September 2016)

Does the first kiss matter that much?
(15 September 2016)

Does it ruin a certain level of our relationship?
(15 September 2016)

She understood and all and said we should practice.
(15 September 2016)

We talked about it and i told her it was my first.
(15 September 2016)

I am wondering if it ruins everything and if it matters that much?
(15 September 2016)

My first kiss with my first girlfriend was really awkward because I am really in experienced.
(15 September 2016)

Have you had your first kiss yet?
(15 September 2016)

Kids, inlaws, school?
(15 September 2016)

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