Tuesday 20 September 2016

Truck Ride & Ride TODAY

Greetings and Salutations are you sad? Guess what me too! Lets hang! What do you say? We could do going out an wine? It doesn’t have to be so lonely, we both just want to have some excitement n some love right? So whats the big deal, why do we have to be lonely? I’ve [...]

I figure if some rich guy flashes money at her or the captain asks her into his cabin she will go after that.
(20 September 2016)

We have been discussing the idea of getting married but I fear if she works on a cruise line she will lose interest or cheat on me.
(20 September 2016)

I really do not want to lose her but I also do not want to be in a long distance relationship either.
(20 September 2016)

I have been dating her since july and we have been exclusive.
(20 September 2016)

My gf is a Filipina and she wants to go work on a cruise ship for 6 months.
(20 September 2016)

I think I pissed someone off by accident when I was trying to get them to like me?
(20 September 2016)

And if I apologize then what should I apologize for?
(20 September 2016)

Anyway, instead of getting this person to like me, I'm pretty sure they have a distaste for me.
(20 September 2016)

I don't have a clue, but it doesn't sound good.
(20 September 2016)

It turns out that this person thinks I'm arrogant and just last week they told me that I have a bad habit of provoking them.
(20 September 2016)

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