Friday, 7 October 2016

A date at the red river valley fair

Hey thanks for stopping by I’m looking for a date for the fair this weekend more specifically sat night halestorm is playing and I would like to take a date there dint worry we can walk around the fair get to know each other have a couple drinks looking for one date and if it [...]

We love each other already, he is smitten over me and constantly talks to his family about marrying me.
(7 October 2016)

Me and My long distance boyfriend have been dating about 3 and a half months ever since we met at a youth church camp over the summer.
(7 October 2016)

Have you or another married couple you know ever tried a separation as a means of trying to improve your marriage?
(7 October 2016)

If not, do you think there should have been?
(7 October 2016)

Also, were there rules of separation, such as no dating other people during the separation, for example?
(7 October 2016)

And, in what ways did it help or harm?
(7 October 2016)

If so, did it help the marriage, or did it harm it?
(7 October 2016)

What are some ways to make a girl laugh a lot over text?
(7 October 2016)

I make her laugh but it's not as often anymore.
(7 October 2016)

I wanna make this girl I talk to laugh and smile more.
(7 October 2016)

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