Sunday 2 October 2016

A variety of traditional baked ones and snow skin

Yes, I am one of those old fashion taste buds when mooncakes are concerned. I have a soft spot for lotus and pandan mooncakes. There is something in it that reminds me of my childhood growing up with happy aromas of pandan. And this particular mooncake is also without any added cane sugar._ Veronika:I m not [...]

I wanted to include a photo album that had old pictures of Joel along with a message on the back of each picture explaining the memory, although I wasn't too sure about sending this photo album just the letter.. What do you think?
(1 October 2016)

Should I, would she like to receive it?
(1 October 2016)

Rather then sending it in just a text message, I figured a letter would be nicer.
(1 October 2016)

I've been taking it very hard.. I wanted to send jessy a letter in the mail saying what a blessing she's been, how thankful I am for her friend ship, love and support.
(1 October 2016)

Although jessy has been so very supportive to me, gives me advice and is so loving for all she's dealing with.
(1 October 2016)

We mourn the loss together, share memories and give encouraging words to each other all the time.
(1 October 2016)

My friend jessy lost her sibling (Joel) last week, Joel and I were very close as he helped me with my down times in my life.
(1 October 2016)

I wanna have fun and have as much sex as I want and I'm getting tired of using the pill and going getting abortions and still getting pregnant.
(1 October 2016)

I'm still 20 I don't wanna get pregnant yet and I know soo many girls that have sex all the time and they don't get pregnant and they even use the pull out method and nothing happens to them.
(1 October 2016)

I'm thinking about birth control but I don't know why I'm intimidated by that idea espicially after hearing about the side and my biggest fear is putting on some weight.
(1 October 2016)

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