Thursday 13 October 2016

At the end of the day everyone gains and benefits from the community

MMM Global is present in over 118 countries all over the world including Nigeria that is the latest country on the list. Now the question is, is MMM Global a scam? That is the one million dollar question everyone wants to know, right? I want to know, and I am pretty sure you that are … Continue reading "At the end of the day everyone gains and benefits from the community"

Ever since I asked her out, she's been acting different.
(13 October 2016)

Would it be weird to add my crush on Facebook?
(13 October 2016)

At this point, would it be too weird to add her?
(13 October 2016)

We are not 'close', since it's pretty impossible to keep talking to people once class starts.
(13 October 2016)

I know her full name because we exchanged emails in class, so that's how I was able to find her on Facebook.
(13 October 2016)

Short conversations, as it is a class after all.
(13 October 2016)

I've interacted with her quite a few times, but we've only had a proper conversation twice.
(13 October 2016)

There is a really cool and pretty girl in my college class.
(13 October 2016)

Ladies: Would you like me to send you an email that may result in an orgasm?
(13 October 2016)

When a guy is not available to have sex do you long for an orgasm?
(13 October 2016)

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