Tuesday, 11 October 2016

boardwalk SoCal style

I was riding my beach cruiser along the boardwalk on a perfect Saturday afternoon. I was enjoying all the different types of people that were walking up and down the walk. I stopped at this bench t //meelp.com/blog/626514/post_3494119.html?ANON_CONFIRM=TRUE Elouise:I noticed even when someone is very unattractive they desire a attractive person rather than a ugly person.(2 [...]

I think he is waiting for me to initiate it, and i am now ready, but i am so nervous.
(10 October 2016)

He wants to kiss me, but he didnt want to rush things because i wasnt ready.
(10 October 2016)

I hate being around my mom. What do I do?
(10 October 2016)

I try to avoid her as much as I can but I don't want her to get depressed.
(10 October 2016)

I'm 16 and I have so much sass that is out of control.
(10 October 2016)

I really hate being around her because she yells at me and I can't control my temper around her.
(10 October 2016)

She doesn't have a job or any hobbies, so she either sleeps or sits on my bed all day.
(10 October 2016)

Make my parents fix what they broke?
(10 October 2016)

My mom wants me to pay the $220 to fix it.
(10 October 2016)

The dog stepped on it, and broke the screen.
(10 October 2016)

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