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She said she liked me but after our date she avoided me for a while.
(26 September 2016)
Almost a year ago when I was a sophomore in high school, I asked out my good friend.
(26 September 2016)
What is wrong with me, I actually really enjoy pretending to look pregnant, why?
(26 September 2016)
Sometimes I stuff a small pillow and stare in the mirror.
(26 September 2016)
I like to buy maternity clothes, pretend to be pregnant, and the thought has crossed my mind to put on a fake pregnant belly in public.
(26 September 2016)
I'm 8 weeks late from my last period, I took a urine test a week and half ago at my doctors, neg and healthy, help??
(26 September 2016)
Should I reschedule or is it just me worrying about it is what causing a delay?
(26 September 2016)
Ive be nauseaous every morning since my last period and my doctors tell me it's nothing to worry about but nerves.
(26 September 2016)
My husband and I havent really been trying but are ok if it happens.
(26 September 2016)
I'm not really under much stress.
(26 September 2016)
I dont want my 3 kids to miss the whole holiday (up to 21 others will be there). We'd be the only family not participating.
(4 October 2016)
Why does a guy avoid me when i thought he likes me?
(4 October 2016)
How can I stop being so jealous and insecure?
(4 October 2016)
I have tried my hardest to ignore these bad thoughts, and to not get mad at her forit, but nothing seems to work.
(4 October 2016)
I don't want to hurt her anymore, but she really doesn't want me to leave, and neither do I.
(4 October 2016)
I really do love her as well, but every time I hear her talk about her friends, it's like I'm a whole new different person.
(4 October 2016)
It's gotten to the point where I've started multiple arguments with her constantly, because of it, and we've nearly broken up in so many cases, but she always tells me she loves me, and doesn't want to lose me.
(4 October 2016)
I really do know that she'd never do anything bad, but I just can't seem to handle these types of things well.
(4 October 2016)
I know my girlfriend would never cheat on me or anything, but I just have this horrible tendency of thinking such bad things every time she tells me about her online friends, and how much fun she has with them.
(4 October 2016)
She talks to them pretty much every day, and goes on Skype calls with some of them as well.
(4 October 2016)
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