Monday, 31 October 2016

Even defining corporate violence and theft as crimes is considered mild heresy by many people

Corporate crime is a major killer, causing more deaths in a month than all the mass murderers combined do in a decade. In other words, government was evaluating government. Not exactly a disinterested source. The reassuring lede from Sun writer Sam Cooper has a different intent than a report in an alternative media site._ Annamaria:She isn’t [...]

How to ride your boyfriend?
(31 October 2016)

I feel so awkward because It feels like nothing's happening.
(31 October 2016)

Can someone please tell me how far to spread my legs, or if my knees should be against his hips and just what do I move and how do I angle my body to please both of us?
(31 October 2016)

I feel like his penis is just staying in the same place and not moving in and out.
(31 October 2016)

Like I don't feel I'm moving ribght.
(31 October 2016)

I'm 18, and I have mild Cerebral Palsy, so it's hard for me to get coordinated with movements I've recently began trying the cowgirl position with him laying flat on the bed, I just feel awkward.
(31 October 2016)

He asked my friend if I was the new guy and told him I wanted to sleep with him.
(31 October 2016)

He asked the guy if he was my new guy.He also was impying to friends that I wanted to sleep with them.. Question is why would a friend just start being mean out of nowhere?
(31 October 2016)

GENDERMAKER gender prediction?
(31 October 2016)

Did you guys try gendermaker test and what result did you get?
(31 October 2016)

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