Monday 17 October 2016


I think I am looking for a needle hay stack!!!! I want FWB for a LTR 5′8 drk brown hair, blue eyes, fair skin, Large top 40D, 16/18 bottoms. I want a man who is extremely oral who is not afraid to take control go at times. right now I have alot of free time [...]

I'm not a huge fan of the name Norah, but it brings forth great meaning to my husband and I after losing a close friend named Norah a few years ago in college.
(16 October 2016)

We found out that I was pregnant a few weeks ago and we've already started writing some name ideas down.
(16 October 2016)

Will I ever stop dreaming of my ex boyfriend?
(16 October 2016)

I want to be happy to and never think about the moments we had or anything.
(16 October 2016)

He's clearly happy without me and can't be bothered to get in touch or anything.
(16 October 2016)

We broke up 2 months ago and I still think of him and dream of him.
(16 October 2016)

Is it ok to date a freshman as a senior if I just went to a dance with another senior who may like me?
(16 October 2016)

I would rather date the freshman, as I am much more comfortable with her, but I don't want to hurt either of their feelings or put one of them in an awkward situation.
(16 October 2016)

The girl I went to the dance with is the sister of a cymbal player in band, so either way I'm going to have to deal with band drama.
(16 October 2016)

The girl I like is a freshman, and I'm a senior, but we're both in marching band and spend a lot of time together.
(16 October 2016)

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