Friday, 7 October 2016

Glory Holes

So, a conversation with the wife spiraled into a discussion of glory holes. She kind of thought it would be a naughty change of pace to be the center of attention in that situation.What say you ladies // Reatha:Should I text him and apologize for not talking or being more friendly?(28 September 2016) Reatha:I was soo crazy [...]

Explanation( skip if you don't want background info): My mother has always been very verbally and at times physically abusive.
(7 October 2016)

Ex boyfriend wants to keep tabs on me?
(7 October 2016)

At the same time I feel like he'd want me to tell him because if I were to actually do that it would help him get over me faster?
(7 October 2016)

I feel like it's going to cause nothing but trouble.
(7 October 2016)

I don't know I just wanted to like get a second opinion.
(7 October 2016)

It kind of seems like as if he's acting like he's still my boyfriend you know?
(7 October 2016)

I'm kind of weirded out by this, I'm totally not going to be going out with anyone anytime soon but I'm really confused as to why he would ask this.
(7 October 2016)

Well he asked me today to tell him if I go on any dates or get with any guys.
(7 October 2016)

I said maybe down the road if it's meant to be well be together again.
(7 October 2016)

Well we're on really good terms, there's no anger and we only want what's best for each other.
(7 October 2016)

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