Thursday 13 October 2016

hello guys!

Binkolo, Sierra Leone // Karoline:He tells me about his old school a lot and his old friends.(3 October 2016) Karoline:He told me about his ex at his old school that he thinks he is over her.(3 October 2016) Karoline:Every time I let my insecurities to get to me he is always there to tell me [...]

He asked his girlfriend to pluck my eyebrows once but I'm not sure if it was a joke or not.
(12 October 2016)

He said I would look even more amazing if I got my hair cut a little shorter.
(12 October 2016)

He always talks about how my hair looks.
(12 October 2016)

He tells me how beautiful I am all the time and how cute my earrings and glasses are.
(12 October 2016)

I'm 11, almost 12, and I feel like my dad is obsessed with my appearance.
(12 October 2016)

Is there anything i can give a 4 month old for a sore throat?
(12 October 2016)

Its night so cant call his ped right now.
(12 October 2016)

He still sounds raspy and not good at all.
(12 October 2016)

Im giving him infant tylenol every 4 hours but its not helping his throat.
(12 October 2016)

My 4 month old baby is super hot, (his temp has not reached 100 or up) coughs a lot and has a sore throat.
(12 October 2016)

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