Thursday 13 October 2016

i am short and cute and i love junk food

Lelydorp, Suriname // Patience:I was terrible with the ladies and lost my virginity at 20 years old.(3 October 2016) Patience:I used to be very shy and awkward when I was younger.(3 October 2016) Marquerite:I’m 19 weeks 2 days pregnant and I’m still in that ‘bloated’ phase?(3 October 2016) Marquerite:I’m so curious it’s my first baby so [...]

My friend is very childish and refuses to change?
(12 October 2016)

Cousin kissed my neck??? Why? Creepy?
(12 October 2016)

Just a quick kiss on the cheek is normal.
(12 October 2016)

I know every country is different but over there it's not something you do to just anyone.
(12 October 2016)

Am I being dramatic and missread the situation?
(12 October 2016)

Eww i don't know why he was doing that.
(12 October 2016)

It crept me out and he started coming over every day and doing that.
(12 October 2016)

He hugged me very tight and gave me about 3-4 kisses on the check and the gave me a few kisses on the neck and was sniffing me.
(12 October 2016)

But one day as him and his mom were leaving he gave everyone a quick kiss on the cheek and waited until him mom said goodbye to everyone too and came over to me and gave me this look like trying to be seductive or something.
(12 October 2016)

And sometimes someone wanted to change seats with him and he was acting like a child so I would change seat and he seemed so annoyed.
(12 October 2016)

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