Thursday, 6 October 2016

I showed Liddy the video and asked if she liked feeling that way

She was having a rough day, and it spiraled into a huge meltdown. As she was shouting and screaming, I subtly began to record her outburst on my phone. I wanted to build insight in a grace-filled way, so I waited until we connected that night at bedtime. I saw a great opportunity to shape … Continue reading "I showed Liddy the video and asked if she liked feeling that way"

I wish she would at least attend college, heck even cna school beats being unemployed and uneducated.
(6 October 2016)

She keeps talking about how the world will end soon and that she wants to be ready.
(6 October 2016)

She spends most of her time watching end of the world videos on YouTube and watches those tv preachers.
(6 October 2016)

She refuses to get a job or go to college, she is right now dating some crazy religious guy who tries to control how she dresses and he calls those who disgaree with him sodomites.
(6 October 2016)

Snapchat Block?!?
(6 October 2016)

Is it bad to double message someone?
(6 October 2016)

I'd really like to see her this weekend and tell her how I feel.
(6 October 2016)

I know she's fairly busy, but it would mean a lot to hear from her.
(6 October 2016)

But she hasn't messaged me and it's been several days.
(6 October 2016)

People say it's bad to double message if they don't respond to your last message.
(6 October 2016)

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