Friday, 7 October 2016

I swear to

What ever you wanna claim to worship, I thought I left high school. I mean really people you need to spend your time talking shit about me to people you just met online and I have no clue who you are? // Melynda:However, I called him yesterday and I was shocked that he answered the phone.(28 [...]

If you were in high school, would you date this guy?
(7 October 2016)

Would you date nelson and take his cupcake?
(7 October 2016)

He sobs louder and covers his face. one day nelson makes you a homemade cupcake. ( which he made all by himself without no one to help him) he smiles and asks you on a date.
(7 October 2016)

When he sees the scores he starts sobbing uncontrollably during lesson time.
(7 October 2016)

Then Nelson failed two exams in math class.
(7 October 2016)

Outside during lunch he plays with ants and goes on treasure hunts with two other students. one is overweight and the other is very short and wears large glasses.
(7 October 2016)

When the teacher passes out a test he giggles and starts bouncing again because he's so excited.
(7 October 2016)

Then during a test he needs to pee so he bounces again in his seat.
(7 October 2016)

Then later a student passes out cupcakes.
(7 October 2016)

One day the teacher asks the class a math question.
(7 October 2016)

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