Tuesday, 11 October 2016

If It Looks Like Bullshit….

…And smells like bullshit…well chances are really good that it is, indeed, bullshit.[image]Let me demonstrate.I present exhibit a: The written portion of my profile.”Just a blogger, only seeking p //meelp.com/blog/339620/post_3391940.html?ANON_CONFIRM=TRUE Trudy:I sometimes wonder if he wants his boyfriend’s girlfriends.(1 October 2016) Trudy:He tells me I shouldn’t worry.. But I feel so bad when I look at how [...]

She went to bed fine but woke up with her heart beating.
(10 October 2016)

Then when I woke up my youngest sister that died in the dream wasn't feeling good.
(10 October 2016)

Now I had a dream that my youngest sister died and my other little sister was with me, and I was only left with one sister.
(10 October 2016)

So I fell asleep afterwards feeling super sad, depressed, and hurt for her and I went to sleep.
(10 October 2016)

So last night I was thinking and crying about this girl Karina Vetrano that died 2 months ago.
(10 October 2016)

Is it healthier to smoke weed or cigarettes?
(10 October 2016)

Friend tells u, a friend you're living with is interested in someone ur interested. what now?
(10 October 2016)

So I never really thought I was like ugly... But I like a couple girls told me I am ugly and I kinda just wanted a confirmation as if they are just trying to be rude or if I am actually ugly?
(10 October 2016)

If parents raise their kid until 18 and kick her or him out, should the child thank their parents?
(10 October 2016)

I feel like I'm doing something wrong in my relationships...or maybe I'm just meant to be alone?
(10 October 2016)

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