Friday, 14 October 2016


Merida, Venezuela // Mandi:It’s been a month, and now we rarely talk on the phone and never in person.(4 October 2016) Mandi:My ex and I broke up after he ghosted me for 3 months before he started talking to me again.(4 October 2016) Jaimie:My younger brothers a little self conscious and wonders if a girl [...]

So before she gets in the car I get out and I tell him no because he had a good gf.
(13 October 2016)

So he drove over here to pick her up.
(13 October 2016)

He left right after we get home, later that night my boyfriends brother messages my little sister and wants to hook up but he has a girlfriend.
(13 October 2016)

I asked My boyfriends brother to come over and play some xbox cause me and my bf are at work.
(13 October 2016)

And my little sister who is 18 got kicked out so I let her stay with us for a while but my ex texted me and told me that she was trying to get him to come over and have sex with her.
(13 October 2016)

Okay so my boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years.
(13 October 2016)

What does this guy think of me? Help?
(13 October 2016)

My friends brother is rude and creepy, and she doesn't seem to care?
(13 October 2016)

I'm scared to be touched and currently getting mental help for being molested as a child.
(13 October 2016)

He always does little stuff like that.
(13 October 2016)

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