Friday, 7 October 2016

Naturally hairy lady wanted for sex

I would like to meet a women for good sex. Please be natural. If you are interested reply back and tell me where you are hairy at. If you send pic, it will be helpful. // Sunny:Can a skinny girl beat a bigger girl up?(27 September 2016) Sunny:Ok this girl who bigger then me [...]

Concerned for my sister?
(6 October 2016)

We fight a lot because I've told her continuing to date this guy is not good for her and have urged diet and exercise, but she refuses.
(6 October 2016)

Since he eats junk, so does she and she's getting bigger and bigger.
(6 October 2016)

My sister though has gotten pretty fat since moving in with her boyfriend 2 years ago who is very overweight himself.
(6 October 2016)

My sister is 22, I'm 18. I'm a very healthy girl, try to eat healthy and run daily.
(6 October 2016)

My dad hit my boyfriend and now my boyfriend wont talk to me anymore?
(6 October 2016)

I told my daddy I hated him and just cost me my relationship.
(6 October 2016)

Then my dad started screaming at my boyfriend and cracked him in his jaw. :( I was a witness to the whole thing and I tried to apologize for my dad but my boyfriend just left.
(6 October 2016)

They got into a heated argument about politics. my daddy is a liberal and my boyfriend is a republican and my dad was the one who started the argument.
(6 October 2016)

The court has granted joint custody and I cannot live without my son?
(6 October 2016)

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