Sunday 2 October 2016

public 1st

Ok what is so hard about meeting in pubic 1st. I live off of I-95 about .4 or 6 min nearest starbucks, waffle house also, cracker if u want to get breakfast might be lunch by then. // Lena:I’m afraid my friend will ditch me for a romantic partner.(22 September 2016) Mia:Would this be wrong?(22 September 2016) Mia:Can [...]

I immediatly felt bad about it and stopped contact when i noticed taht my crush feels more for me.
(1 October 2016)

I pretty much surrendered and lets say somehow it happened that another girl sent me nudes and i sent back.
(1 October 2016)

I had my crush (who is my girlfriend now) and confessed her my love but she more or less rejected me and that was goin on for a few weeks.
(1 October 2016)

So well i feel weird about something.
(1 October 2016)

Can a straight teen guy be a combination of these things described below?
(1 October 2016)

Anxiety about being pregnant, help?
(1 October 2016)

Could anyone help ease these worries?
(1 October 2016)

But for some reason I can not shake the idea of being pregnant and I am worrying a lot and getting myself worked up.
(1 October 2016)

I had my period the day after for only 3-5 days, I can't remember specifically as the past two weeks I have been In and out of hospital having my tonsils out.
(1 October 2016)

Please help me I'm so confused?
(1 October 2016)

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