Thursday 13 October 2016

Say What

The sexual position formally know as 69is now called 96.Due to the economy the cost of eating out has gone up. // Kimberlee:It’s just we don’t hang out anymore.(3 October 2016) Kimberlee:When I say gone it doesn’t mean they moved away or anything.(3 October 2016) Kimberlee:And I used to have friends that lived in my court but now [...]

Is she interested, not interested, or maybe?
(12 October 2016)

So this girl helped out my friend online for an exam by sending him a copy of the textbook, and he asked her out for a drink.
(12 October 2016)

I'm going to kill you, but FIRST?
(12 October 2016)

This guy is always teasing me and making fun of me by pairing me up with other guys?
(12 October 2016)

Anyway the flirting was getting a it intense and in the middle of the convo I said you know what, you are a bit a of a flirt.
(12 October 2016)

His teasing almost seems flirtatious to me but I can t quite tell.
(12 October 2016)

Why is it considered okay for some people that a 17 Year old is going out with a 14 Year old?
(12 October 2016)

Why do certain people consider this age difference?
(12 October 2016)

Why would a guy leave the girl he was with to talk to guys, then be tense and insecure around them and be relieved to see the girl?
(12 October 2016)

What does his behavior say about his sexuality?
(12 October 2016)

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