When you ask them what said bills are, they reel off a list of things that sound like consumption choices. A bill, in my opinion, has always meant something that is a necessity and has serious consequences if it is not paid. The difference between a wish and a goal is that a goal is realistic and has a time frame and a plan to achieve it.
He told me he didn't want another girl.
(24 September 2016)
He told me he still loved me and that he missed me so much.
(24 September 2016)
We met up again, still broken up, and had sex.
(24 September 2016)
He came back to our hometown last week.
(24 September 2016)
He said he missed me and that he couldn't sleep with another girl.
(24 September 2016)
He stopped talking to me for almost a month and a few weeks ago, he texted first out of the blue.
(24 September 2016)
Then he left and broke up with me.
(24 September 2016)
He told me he loved me, he took my virginity, and he said that he liked me so much.
(24 September 2016)
But he apparently wanted to meet other girls and he didn't want to make it work with me.
(24 September 2016)
We are both 18. He is only an hour away.
(24 September 2016)
I told him if he follow every rule then he won't have to worry about punishment.
(3 October 2016)
I ask them why, he say he don't like to accept punishment and punishment make him angry and depress.
(3 October 2016)
However he refused to join any sports.
(3 October 2016)
Now he is second year in high school.
(3 October 2016)
After freshman he got punishment several times include cannot play any sports.
(3 October 2016)
However sometime my son get punishment for what he did at school.
(3 October 2016)
He used to like to join sports such as basketball, football, soccer and baseball.
(3 October 2016)
A girl likes me and I like her, but what is my next move?
(3 October 2016)
Today the other girl that went with us told the girl I like I had a crush on her...she was very excited to hear that so she told the other girl that went with us that she had a crush on me too.
(3 October 2016)
The other girl we went to the dance with said that this girl once had a crush on my cousin but she apparently doesn't now because my cousin isn't a very romantic dude.
(3 October 2016)
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