Sunday 9 October 2016

so thers this

for people that may know fifty shades of gray started out as fan fiction the original fan fic got removed in a sweep of the fan fiction about 8 months a go in the format of there servers some of the // Mariah:Right now we are on a three day break so each of us can [...]

Im a green eyed, left handed, twin. how rare is this combination?
(9 October 2016)

Im just curious if I'm a rare combination of things. oh, and I'm blonde but i don't think thats rare at all.
(9 October 2016)

Im a girl and my twin is a boy if that is important.
(9 October 2016)

My mom secretly reads my diary. I stopped writing. What should i say to her?
(9 October 2016)

I dont know why she's so curios.
(9 October 2016)

I dont know why she did it, i dont even have a social life, i just go to school, study, watch movies and stuff.
(9 October 2016)

I found out that she reads it when i saw my diary in her deleted pictures... I didn't have anything big in there like something she shouldn't know about.
(9 October 2016)

The worst part is she even took pictures and sent it to her friends.
(9 October 2016)

She doesn't know that i know she reads it.
(9 October 2016)

I don't have an issue with alternative living but it bothers me when you don't do it in a positive and safe and unharmful way.
(9 October 2016)

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