Sunday 9 October 2016

Soviet missile bases in Cuba

In a televised address on October 22, 1962, President John F. Kennedy revealed to the American public that U.S. surveillance aircraft had detected the presence of Soviet missile bases in Cuba, trigger // Rosie:I feel that, if I make myself emotionally disconnected from the people I want to interact with, then this conflict will stop.(30 September [...]

Mainly because I know that this major will lead me to a cubicle and I don't want that for my life.I have always been a person that loves tech so that is why I choose this major, but I'm also very social and like to be outside.
(9 October 2016)

I'm currently a freshmen in a community college and studying Computer Engineering( I plan on transferring to a four year college very soon), I enjoy my classes but I don't know if this is for me.
(9 October 2016)

Is it normal to feel attracted to another man other than your loved one ( I feel bad)?
(9 October 2016)

Another thing, the more I think about the wrong of this the more I love and miss my boyfriend.
(9 October 2016)

We just joke but the thing is I feel attracted to him but I feel bad for these feelings does this mean I am a slut or lier to myself.
(9 October 2016)

I just starting working at a job for a few months and I got along with this guy but it's not like we flirt or anything.
(9 October 2016)

I have a boyfriend and I love him I would NEVER hurt him or cheat on him.
(9 October 2016)

I feel so bad this has crossed my mind or that it is happening to me.
(9 October 2016)

How do i talk to a guy i don t know?
(9 October 2016)

One time we looked at each other and he looked away quick like oh shoot no.
(9 October 2016)

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