My sister used to date this one guy that had a warrant out for him and she broke up with him because she cheated on her.
(7 October 2016)
Girl answer only please!?
(7 October 2016)
So I'm a guy and I want to ask out this girl I really like and have known for a few months now and I don't know how to do it, I don't wanna sound stupid or weird when I ask her so how would you want a guy to ask you out?
(7 October 2016)
I never had sex?
(7 October 2016)
Rate me be honest?
(7 October 2016)
So I was drunk one night and set my phone to send a text message to a girl the next morning (so I didn't seem drunk texting at 2 am) I've known for awhile and I used to work with.
(7 October 2016)
Can someone give me some good advice?
(7 October 2016)
I dont feel ok living with him even if i dont speak to him and besides i told my husband before we got married i didnt want us living in that house we should have our own place.
(7 October 2016)
Its just his presence digust me.
(7 October 2016)
He pays half the rent with my mother in law.
(7 October 2016)
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