Friday, 7 October 2016

The video above is the first instalment of several

Later, you become a beefed up good samaritan capable of knocking off ghouls and deathclaws with aplomb. This has crazy lore implications, of course. Could the post-apocalypse really be that bad, if a boy or girl barely three feet high can save humanity? Make a cup of tea, kick back, and watch one of the … Continue reading The video above is the first instalment of several

We still had our regular conversation but he wasn't flirty like usual.
(6 October 2016)

I've known this guy for about a month now and we always sit next to eachother in class. he was always very flirty and would touch my arm all the time And tease me in a cute way but this past week he barely looked at me and didn't touch me once.
(6 October 2016)

How should I invite a guy on a second date even if he s sending mixed signals?
(6 October 2016)

Should I invite him somewhere spontaneous when I m in his area?
(6 October 2016)

Should I wait it out and then call him next week?
(6 October 2016)

Should I text him about something else-like a mutual interest or something that made me think of him, or something interesting that we talked about?
(6 October 2016)

We talked about going this concert together that s coming up in about a month, should I buy him a ticket then text him a few days before and ask if he s free?
(6 October 2016)

I know most of you will say I should just move on, but I really don t want to do that.
(6 October 2016)

I tried calling on Tuesday night and he didn t answer.
(6 October 2016)

I ve sent him a couple texts since the date and he hasn t responded.
(6 October 2016)

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