Saturday 8 October 2016

These athletes test our products under extreme conditions

They are compatible with most mountain shoes. We offer six individual types and four different kits, available in both stainless steel and Titanium versions. They are completely corrosion resistant. Horst Spikes have been battle tested throughout the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia._ Cathey:Or is she just using me for attention?(29 September 2016) … Continue reading These athletes test our products under extreme conditions

Im 24 and I've only had sex with one person ever and we only did it like 5 times because he ended up giving be a STD that I have cured.
(8 October 2016)

How do I talk seriously to my group of bantering friends?
(8 October 2016)

Hello, Im a 20 years old male and I hang out with friends whom we like to banter each other for, yet sometimes Im under situation where I simply want to ask his opinion or consult him about things without our habitual banters in the way How do I do this?
(8 October 2016)

Would you date a guy if you were his six choice?
(8 October 2016)

Ok how do you know he ejaculated in you and also if my nipple is sore am I pregnant I felt a warm sensation in my vagina?
(8 October 2016)

Tome la pastilla anticonceptiva y despues la de emergencia no e tenido un sangrado solo ayer salieron como cuagulos no se si hizo efecto?
(8 October 2016)

My friend got hit by hurricane Matthew, when it was a category 1?
(8 October 2016)

I care about my friend, obviously because we're friends, but I don't know if this is more personal to a point that it shouldn't be mentioned in conversation because my family and other friends haven't experienced bad hurricanes.
(8 October 2016)

If you've been through a hurricane, would you want to talk about it?
(8 October 2016)

I haven't talked to them in a while and I'm wondering if I should ask how their family's doing?
(8 October 2016)

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