Thursday, 13 October 2016

This is more of an art than science and you have to use all your statistics and information

Has s/he run well in races of equal distances as of today? A break of 30 to 60 days is almost right. However, horse which had a gap of 90 days may require a race to get her/his peak fitness back. And if the horse has been away for over 180 days, s/he can hardly … Continue reading "This is more of an art than science and you have to use all your statistics and information"

He's very sweet with everything except this.
(12 October 2016)

Why is that some people enjoy being single but end up getting into a relationship?
(12 October 2016)

I told them I wasn't looking for a relationship and they got disapointed.
(12 October 2016)

I've been hit on buy guys and got asked if I gotta boyfriend.
(12 October 2016)

Why do people get when I reject relationships?
(12 October 2016)

She told me to let me know when I'm ready.
(12 October 2016)

One of my best friends was disapointed because she knows a guy that's very interested in me and would have my dads blessings and he's working on his doctor's degree and is a gentleman.
(12 October 2016)

My friends kept trying to hook me up with guys.
(12 October 2016)

In that case I'm going to stay single forever.
(12 October 2016)

I mean I wanna be single for a little longer but that doesn't mean I wanna end up alone.
(12 October 2016)

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