Thursday, 6 October 2016

We hope you understand and thank you all so much for your ongoing support

The need for a strong, active and well-funded AVN are also greater than ever. Our High Court case is one thing, but the other activities the AVN performs still need your support. Instead, we represent a significant percentage of Australian families, professionals and medical practitioners._ Kesha:But now things are starting to get complicated.(27 September 2016) … Continue reading We hope you understand and thank you all so much for your ongoing support

I've been having sex with my boyfriend.. We don't use protection.. Stupid I know.
(5 October 2016)

I also met her online but we have hung out several times and it's like we met in person not online..
(5 October 2016)

But anyways she says I worry too much.
(5 October 2016)

I really like this girl I just met.
(5 October 2016)

How to I get my mom to let me skip soccer?
(5 October 2016)

So I got invited to like a huge sleepover on Friday night but I have a soccer game at 9:15 AM and we have to get three at 8:30 to practice and the place is 1hour and 30 mins away I like need to wake up at like 6 so my moms said I can t sleepover.
(5 October 2016)

Hi I'm going to a new school in another state I'm in 9th grade. How can I make new friends if I have physical problems?
(5 October 2016)

I know I should just get over this fear, but i have a really hard time talking to new people so i am really nervous.
(5 October 2016)

I did add him on Facebook, but i dont know if it would be weird since i have never said a word to him.
(5 October 2016)

I usually see him when hes with his friends though and i would feel really out of place just going up and talking to him.
(5 October 2016)

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