Tuesday 18 October 2016

What’s Your Halloween Costume

Well today is Halloween so here is the final game for today. What is your Halloween Costume?[image1]Mine is Gruesome Vampire..[image2][image3]HAVE A HAPPY FUN SAFE HALLOWEEN EVERYONE.. //meelp.com/blog/592155/post_3721305.html?ANON_CONFIRM=TRUE Mana:This carried on all the way through Y8. When I was in Y9 my mum started to get involved in the arguments and made me turn against her, because [...]

I'm a little overwhelmed by how much they seemed to like each other, but I just want to get opinion.
(17 October 2016)

The guy I am dating met my parents yesterday, and he got along so well with my dad it was almost like they were BFFs in another life.
(17 October 2016)

I see the potential but need guidance.
(17 October 2016)

How do I take it to the next level?
(17 October 2016)

We have been texting each other for a month.
(17 October 2016)

We met online and he works in another city.
(17 October 2016)

I have been speaking to a guy on text.
(17 October 2016)

What does it mean when a girl holds open the door for you?
(17 October 2016)

I didn't say thank you because usually she doesn't hold the door for me and ignores me pretty much all the time, but not this time.
(17 October 2016)

And she was patient to wait for me to go through the door.
(17 October 2016)

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